Dr. Deveny and Mr. Lockhart

New Beginnings

Welcome to the 2017 Summa Health Annual Report.

While we’re both relatively new to our respective roles here, we’ve been connected with Summa Health for many, many years. Last year, without question, was one of the most challenging we have personally witnessed and certainly collectively faced as a health system. But, together, we have persevered. And we are now emerging as a stronger, more nimble organization.

Last year brought some transitions, but with those changes also came the opportunity for new beginnings. Now, more than ever, we look forward to what the future holds.

The accompanying videos you see here are but a few examples of why we are so excited for the future. The incredible care being delivered on a daily basis throughout our health system is clearly evident in these stories. The videos also show the great progress we are making in caring for our community. We hope you enjoy them and consider sharing them with others.

Thank you for your ongoing interest in – and support of – Summa Health.

Cliff Deveny, M.D.
Interim President and CEO
Summa Health

Anthony Lockhart
Chair, Board of Directors
Summa Health